Berlin Deathmetal

07.09.24 Radebeul

Paranoya Fest
w/ Moribund Scum + more

12.10.24 Fürstenwalde

/w morgengrauen, xmegx

26.10.24 Zittau

/w tba.

08.11.24 Berlin

/w manøver, inherit the curse

09.11.24 Leipzig

/w manøver, inherit the curse

11.05.24 Berlin

ORWOHaus ( Merry Crustmas)
/w necromorph, black moode, jesus crustus

Past Shows:

02.06.24 Berlin @ OGH – Obergeschoss Hell /w world peace, total fraud
11.05.24 Hamburg @ Affenfest /w inherit the curse, possible demage and others.
10.05.24 Köln @ Privat /w venlafvckscene, inherit the curse
09.05.24 Münster @ Baracke /w venlafvckscene, inherit the curse
04.05.24 Berlin @ „Neue Zukunft“ ➡️📆  /w  ancst, swoon, human abyss
13.04.24 Lübeck@ VEB /w Facepalm Nation, xpigs
20.01.24 Leipzig @ axaxi ➡️📰 /w manøver, sittendezernat, rostiger nagel

15.12.23 – Berlin @ Supamolly ➡️📆 (cancled due to the C ) /w jesus crustus, brotcruste
10.12.23 – Berlin @ Brunnenstr.➡️📆  /w hatehug
08.12.23 – Rostock @ JAZ ➡️📆 /w wojczech, hexwraith
03.11.23 – Berlin @ Nox A Carneval ➡️📆 /w aptera, machukha and more
21.10.23 – Leipzig @ ZxRx /@Metalpest /w haeresis, moribund scum and more
20.10.23 – Chemnitz @ Crass Pub /w cataphiles
14.10.23 – Berlin @ Atb➡️📆  /w fermium, tears and denial
02.07.23- Lärz (Fusion Festival)

Booking and other stuff: